Aztec Water is a true leader in Rural Water Treatment
With more than 30 years of Rural Water Treatment experience, and tens of thousands of satisfied customers, we don't just dabble in Rural Water Treatment, we are true leaders in the Industry.
Available only through Aztec, our totally unique, custom-designed, patented products are recognized throughout North America as simply the best in rural water treatment technology. Our products are not just another "band-aid" solution to your water problems… they’re a permanent solution, designed and built to last a lifetime.
Aztec Water Solutions is a Registered Manufacturer and member in good standing with the following organizations:
The Western Canadian Water & Wastewater Association
The National Water-Well Association
The American Water-Works Association
The Water Quality Association & WQA World Assembly
The Canadian Federation of Independent Business
The Chamber of Commerce
The Better Business Bureau (BBB)
One Year Comprehensive Warranty
Because all of our systems are backed by a 1 year comprehensive warranty, we won’t install anything, unless we are confident that it is the right solution for your water problems. A member of our highly-trained, Rural Water Specialist team, will come out at your request, to do a full inspection and evaluation of your water source and to perform multi-parameter tests, on site. If we can help you, we will give you a written proposal and quote for you to base a decision on. This service is absolutely free, so you have absolutely nothing to lose. Trust Aztec for the highest quality products and service ... if we can't fix your water problems, nobody can!